3851 E Thomas Rd Suite 5
Phoenix AZ 85018
6811 W Peoria Ave, Suite 103
Peoria AZ 85345
Opening hours
Mon- Sat: 10 AM - 8 PM
Sun: 10 AM - 6 PM
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TEMPUR-PEDIC LUXEbreeze Series - Firm
Research suggests a cooler sleep environment helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer with less tossing and turning…for better quality sleep.
All-Night Cooling
The breeze® system of cooling technologies promotes extreme breathability and noticeable surface cooling.
Cool when you lie down.
Our SmartClimate™ Dual cover system feels instantly cool.
Cool as you fall asleep
For the next 20 minutes, you’ll feel the cooling sensation of our advanced PureCool+™ Phase Change Material
Cool all night long
Over the next 8 hours, the extremely breathable comfort layer, TEMPUT-CM+™, allows the heat and humidity normally trapped under the covers to be cycled out of the mattress.